So much universe, and so little time.
Saturday, July 01, 2017
What is Vaping, and how dangerous is it really?
Vaping is relatively new, and there is a lot of misinformation floating around. Media in particular has been known to misinterpret and blow out of proportion some of the research that has been done, while leaving out other crucial facts. This is an attempt to clear up some of the common misconceptions.
Posters are available here:
95% - Juice - Second hand vaping poster
Popcorn lung - Explosion - Kids poster
More visual learning posters
You can change size, paper type and framing to fit your needs and budget.
If you wish to print or distribute these yourself, contact me and we'll find a solution.
Some of these reports and studies touches on several points, but I have tried to categorize them for ease of referral.
95% safer than smoking:
In regards to passive vaping:
Regarding popcorn lung:
Battery safety:
Who uses electronic cigarettes?
Big tobacco market share:
Thursday, June 01, 2017
Visual Learning - Beginners guide to vaping
*Update - Posters now available at Zazzle*
Because of popular demand I have made these posters available to buy through Zazzle. You can customize paper type/quality, size and framing to get exactly what you need.Shipping from Europe: http://www.zazzle.co.uk/jimmith/
Shipping from USA: http://www.zazzle.com/jimmith/
If you would rather print yourself feel free get in touch and I'll be able to send you some mega resolution files.
When you are first introduced to vaping there are a lot of new terms and ideas you need to learn. Coils? Sub Ohm? Mouth to lung? Aspirant vapers are thrown head first into a sea of lew lingo - And I hope that these infographics will help ease the learning curve a bit.
I have done my best to keep this short and simple. This is not meant to be the end-all guide to vaping - My hope is that this will be something you link to someone who wishes to learn what these things mean. I have also made sure to make these in a print friendly format.
Monday, May 01, 2017
Visual Learning - Electric flow, the basics
Many will be familiar with this material, but I thought it might be a good idea to have something like this to share with people that are new to the game. Coincidentally, this was made in an aspect that would fit good for printing and say, putting on a counter, or even hanging as a poster on the wall of yon vape shop.
Available in insanely high resolution at request.
Tuesday, August 02, 2016
Visual Review of Innokin Axiom
The Axiom tank is a low profile tank that can be used with stock coils or with an RBA deck, and in both modes the flavour is clear and pronounced. This is probably my favorite tank so far this year
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Innokin CoolFire IV TC100 - Quick start guide
My work has been getting quite a bit of attention. It seems I am not the only one hungering for easy to understand information, and when Innokin asked if I would help them design a quick start guide for their new TC100 device it was not hard to say yes. It took some work, but I think we managed to cook up something that will be really helpful to the users of this device.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Visual Review of Innokin Cortex TC and iSub S
A new year has started, and new things need to be reviewed. For the first review of the year I have Innokins very first temperature control mod and the bundled tank that comes with it. This is not the Disrupter TC that has been talked about with fancy kanthal tc, but a "normal" tc unit.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Visual Review - Innokin Cool Fire IV plus and iSub Apex
As we are closing in on that most gifty of seasons I come bearing another visual respresentation from the world of vaping. This time it's another kit from Innokin, with a cool little mod and the little tank that could. I've reviewed the Apex before, but since these come as a kit and there are some changes I though I would add in a revised version. Make no mistake, with the new clapton coils this tank rivals the flavour of any of the bigger boys, and often on much lower wattages. I must say I look forward to the 5ml version coming out though as 3ml goes away fast.
Thursday, December 03, 2015
Visual Review of Innokin Endura T18
I didn't intend to make this review.
In fact I had decided not to before I even got my hand on these units.
Innokin contacted me some time ago to ask if I would be willing to work with them on making a quick start guide for the Endura. I really liked the idea, and I asked that they would donate my payment for the job directly to the Norwegian vaping advocacy group NDS. A generous donation has been confirmed. I have not made any money on this personally.
Well, I got a pack of these Enduras in last week and these things are the perfect gateway to stop smoking. I weighed it back and forth a bit and decided that I wanted to review these in my usual style to make it as accessible for new vapers as possible.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Visual Review of Uwell Crown
Uwell crown is a versatile sub ohm tank with generous flavour, dense clouds and top filling. If you are looking for a high wattage tank, this is the best tank of 2015 (so far) in my opinion.
- Visual learning posters (and more) at Zazzle!
Tuesday, November 03, 2015
Visual Review of Sigelei 150 TC
This time I have done my best to illustrate and describe for you my experience with the Sigelei 150 tc. This mod is quite the beast, and well worth a consideration once you take a few smaller issues into consideration.
A big thanks to DirectVapor for sending me this mod for review.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Visual Review of TFV4 from Smok
I have another artsy review for you, this time the much talked about TFV4 from Smok. As per usual my review is meant to be short and to the point. Other reviewers will, and have, made much longer in-depth essays (I reccomend SirRiscks awesome review). There is a lot more in my notes than made the cut, so if you have any questions feel free to ask.
Let me know what you think!
A big thanks to DirectVapor) for sending me this tank for review.
Visual review
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Visual Review of iSub Apex and Disrupter from Innokin
This is my first visual hardware review - Let me know what you think!
A big thanks to Innokin for sending me these products for testing!
box mod,
Visual review
Wednesday, September 09, 2015
Visual review of Trixi 2 from 13 Sins
Here is another Visual Review, this time featuring Trixi 2 from 13 sins.
Some of you may notice that I've switched up my style a bit for this review. I was looking back on my reviews and noticed that was slipping into a track, so I took it upon myself to try something different. Most of my reviews up until now has been Art Deco-ish, but with this illustration I went with something Art Nouveau-ish.
This juice was sent to me from Cuts-Ice LTD, and I have received no compensation for this review.
Thursday, September 03, 2015
Visual review - Lime Crime from Vapeboy
This time I'm featuring a colorful and zesty dessert vape from Vapeboy.This juice was sent to me from www.vapeboy.com, and I have received no compensation for this review.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Three Vape Moon
A little homage to a few of the legends in the vaping community.
From the top - Grimm Green, Todd from Todds reviews and Pbusardo.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Visual review - Dewberry from Vaporgeekz
This time the juice i feature comes directly from an American Juice vendor - vaporgeekz who was kind enough to send me a bunch of flavours in the hope that one would spark a visual review. I'm happy to say there was one such in the pack :)
As usual I have received no compensation for this review.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Visual reviews - How do they work?
This is something that often comes up when people see my reviews. I figured that the best way to answer is via infographics :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Visual review - Red Astaire from T-Juice
I bought the concentrate for this juice at www.t-juice.com and have received no compensation for this review.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
The Plumes of Hazard
Every now and then people contact me and ask if I can make something for them - And when the illsutrious guys from the Plumes of Hazard show queried about a wallpaper set this is what we came up with.
Full album of mobile and desktop wallpapers here :)
Tuesday, August 04, 2015
Visual Review - Strawberry Milk from Novajuice
I have decided to move away from numbered scores on my reviews - Since these take quite a lot of time to make I only do them for juices that are really good anyway. From now on I'll add a short word rating in stead.
Juice from www.novavapes.co.uk -- I have received no compensation for this review.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Visual Review - Lenola Cream from Kite In Cloud

This was quite a challenge. The flavour of this e-juice is hard to describe - But since it's my favorite juice to date I had to try.
I bought this juice from www.spiritusvapes.com and have receieved no compensation for this review.
Friday, July 03, 2015
Friday, June 26, 2015
Visual review - Ishmael from The Chosen Few
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Four Flavours
Vapourdepot posted a competition to name their new juice line - and they specifically challenged me to come up with labels. Here is the juice description they posted.:
- A summery fruity vape with a little kick
- A classic custard with something special added
- A creamy peach flavour
- A bakery juice with a twist.
This is my entry into the competition.
Monday, June 15, 2015
A bit of logo artwork
A logo for a vape reviewer
I was contacted with a request to help out with some logo design and this is the result.
This logo is made for Metal Gear Vaper's youtube channel.
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